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These are the articles that Jessica Rockwell has written about the wonderful families that she got to know while creating \”her portraits in oil of family\”. She wrote them because she wanted to record her happy experiences as a portrait painter and also because she thought others might enjoy them too. If you have ever thought about getting a portrait done of yourself, your children or your family, you can get a little idea of the fun things that can happen. You can also see galleries of her portraits from the menu above.

I always enjoy talking to people whoA custom oil portrait painting of 3 brothers and a sister seated in from of a background of columns and greenery. call to inquire about getting a children portrait painting. Recently a man told me that there is something that distinguishes my portraits as being painted by me. He said that he had agreed with his wife. She commented that all my portraits “show realism but with a brightness to them and never anything stoic or forced.” I liked that. It rings true to me.

You Decide on this Children Portrait Painting

Here is a children portrait painting of four young children that you can judge for yourself. I painted it a while back and wanted to share it with you. [continue reading…]

Here is a mother and children oil portrait in a short video, fairy-tale style.

As you might imagine, this oil portrait of a mother and her three children has a special story. I want to tell it to you in some detail. You’ll see the mother’s written words (which she graciously allowed me to share):

It began with an email that she wrote me. “I’ve looked through your website and all of your lovely portraits and talent. I don’t know how I started looking but my husband’s 40th birthday is coming up and I wanted to do something special for him. I have photographed our family since my little ones were born. Now my daughter is 7 and my twin boys are 10. Very rarely have I been in any photographs alone or with them.  I thought I would like to pursue this idea of a beautiful posed but editorial-looking moment that has a classic look – not extremely modern – of my children with me for him.  I would love to speak with you about this and talk about different ideas.  It feels strange to put me in the art. Perhaps just the children are better but there really isn’t much of me that exists with them.  I would love to take the second step and speak with you about this portrait.”  [continue reading…]

Custom Family Oil Portrait

It was such a treat for me to do a custom family oil portrait painting of 4 captivating sisters. They ranged in ages from approaching adulthood, teen, pre-teen to 5 years old.

When I did this painting, I had the help of my representative who arranged everything. I was able just to show up with my husband to do the [continue reading…]

Custom Family Portrait of Mother and Child at the Piano

Custom Oil Portrait of Mother & Child at the Piano

Here’s a story about a young mother who wanted to surprise her husband with a custom family portrait of herself with the new baby. A mother and child portrait —always a treasure!

First we arranged for the perfect time for the baby—well, toddler—after his nap, etc., etc. Then we photographed the two of them at the piano. You never know what to expect with a young little tyke, but  we all went with the flow and it was lots of fun. He was indeed cute, curious and kept trying to play the piano, for example. We handled that easily of course by closing the cover over the keys. It wasn’t until I started the painting that I realized how absolutely dull the piano looked with the keys hidden. When I returned [continue reading…]

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